"Same Sex Sunday is an idea hatched by me and Bil to build a stronger sense of LGBT community on Twitter.My list has grown a bit, so instead of tweeting it, I'm going to tweet this post, and then link to the people I recommend on here. I can also add comments about users here, as well, as that pesky 140-character limit won't get in the way.The concept is pretty simple. Its #followfriday gone gay, gay, gay."
All of the following Twitter users are LGBT people I recommend because they're personable, knowledgeable, helpful, insightful, and good folk. Send them an @ (a directed message on Twitter) and you'll most likely get a response. Additionally, I've also tagged certain people with other twitter hashtags, to denote whether they're, say, a #women2follow, a #mondaymensch, a #techtuesday, or a #followfriday individual as well. Some mates are all of the above, or some of the above. But they're all at least a #followfriday!
Also, be sure to check out my #SameSexSunday and #SameSexSunday-PartDeux lists on Twitter if you just wanna follow some #SSS folks w/o having to read my sappy reasons as to why they should be followed.
So here is my #samesexsunday list:
Added 28 June 2009:
@marcthom -- just a great mate from down under. He loves to laugh, and he's always putting a smile on my face. Yours too, probably. So tweet him this hot mate for a jolly good time! A total #mondaymensch #followfriday and #techtuesday mate as well.@vonirrwegen -- just a beautiful person, inside & out. Top #followfriday person and a #mondaymensch as well. He always puts a smile on his face and has much love for all things beautiful and LGBT.
@jerb -- cute as a button who provides funny social commentary. #followfriday
@mattskal -- web 2.0/3.0 genius, social networker extraordinaire (that's a social networking socialite or SNS) and awesome #followfriday #techtuesday dude.
@DanielJUK -- he's just a huge sweetheart! Definitely #followfriday this #mondaymensch.
@JaySays -- because he says so, that's why. But seriously, Jay is a #mondaymensch who is fighting the good fight and doing more than he can for the struggle in LGBT equality.
@DorianDavis -- I don't know about this one. He's just one of those folks who's interesting. He's one of those non-celeb celebs--you know the type. He keeps it real. He's even more conservative than some of those Log Cabin folk I used to associate with (associate--hell, I founded the lower Hudson Valley chapter in New York!). You should #followfriday him as well....
@StevenBlue -- for some poetic justice and words that will melt your heart, you should follow and #followfriday him as well!
@Tina_cious -- I went to school with this divamommy who is just as fierce as she is sweet (and slezzy (which is sleazy+lezzy combined ;) ) ) #followfriday this diva.
@FearCake -- Contrary to his name, he LOVES cake (which is a beautiful thing). Great tech advice, and an all-around nice guy. Too bad he's not single, though. :( #followfriday him as well!
@maxime68 -- A wonderful gal who asks intriguing questions, considers opinions/input of others, and presents a global view of the world. Great #followfriday and #women2follow power Twitter, too!
@WhiteHeron_MI -- a truly interesting and inspiring individual who is intelligent, compassionate, and caring. Also a #followfriday bloke and, because of his humongous heart, a #mondaymensch.
@tedoe -- inspiring, supportive, full of great ideas, and a kick-ass web designer so if you're in the market for a web designer, tweet her up! Another great #techtuesday, #women2follow, and #mondaymensch recommendation.
@SMM353 -- A true New Yorker, with all that that entails. Total hottie. I'd love to spend some time at the Met (museum) with him, and a stroll through Central Park, winding up at Cafe Lalo for a nice amaretto hot chocolate! #followfriday him, too!
@DrBach98 -- He loves to talk politics. He wants to move to New York City. He likes to have fun, and he cares about folks. #followfriday him, too!
@Mikescaife -- this great mate tweets about his fabulous life in London (or somewhere in the UK). @reply him up and be dazzled with his witty responses!
@SavvyPlanners_C -- if you're in the market for an LGBT wedding, then check them out--they're international!
@bilerico -- because everybody needs to follow an LGBT activist, and they're the ones who started this whole #samesexsunday bidniz.
@CitizenRecon -- this hottie (formerly @Le_Doctor @Dr_Jared -- he needs to stop changing his damned Twitter username as it's messing up my posts!) is just flat-out crazy, and his life is over the top! But he's a really sweet guy with a tremendous heart, and he's fighting the good fight.
@BFlooreandAfter -- formerly @QueerCincinnati, for everything queer and everything Cincinnati, check out this top mate.
@GayPatriot -- for a political take on things from a different perspective, check him out!
@DavidBadash -- he's starting a new civil rights movement, because (and this is just what I believe) the leadership of most of the LGBT organizations has sold out to the political machine and care about as much for our community as the politicians do.
@OneMoreLesbian -- because we can all use another lesbian in our lives and this one is great at finding all things lesbianic in the world.
Added for 5 July 2009 #samesexsunday recommendations:
@HersbandAndWife -- this cantankerous couple has reason to be smarmy. Please contribute and join in on their national marriage tour.@Molecat84 -- this London Lezzie don't take no gruff and tells it like it t-i-is!
@JonahFalcon -- he's gay, he's sexy, he has a big ... ego, beautiful eyes, and a beautiful soul. He's going through some serious shit in his life right now--f'd up shit that good people (of which he's one) shouldn't have to go through. I've known him for quite a while, although we lost touch for the longest but are reacquainting ourselves with each other now. He's also a severely undervalued writer and SAG actor. If you can help him find some work writing/acting, please give him a tweet! #mondaymensch him!
@mcm180 -- he has a heart of gold, a true romantic! #followfriday this sexy papichulo of a #mondaymensch whose heart, mind, body, and soul are all made of 24-karat gold!
@rjdennis -- an awesome writer and provider of great LGBT commentary in his tweets.
@twithug -- might or might not be a person of LGBT origin but a great way to provide some LGBT huggin' love!
@PushyBroad -- she's got a great mind, she's totally non-conformist, and she's a great PR person. These days, who doesn't need a PR rep?
@perlcub -- he's purple, he's a geek, he's gay, he's into #perl, and he's purple (oops, did I say that twice?)
@strt_notnarrow -- thy're not LGBT but that doesn't mean they should be excluded from #samesexsunday. They're out there fighting the good fight for us, and they deserve our help as much as they are helping us. As their name implies, they're straight, not narrow (-minded). A total #mondaymensch.
@allaboutenergy -- not one of us (an LGBTQer, that is); however, folks in the LGBTQ community/world should definitely follow her because her tweets are so supportive and full of positive energy that some times, you just need to read and interact with such great, powerful, and positive energies to pick up your spirits and continue the good fight. Y'know? She treats people -- all people -- as human beings, with respect, dignity, and grace. She is a true #women2follow, a #followfriday pick, and a complete and total #mondaymensch!
@CJHatter -- A no-holds barred, non-apologetic queer who apparently likes Klondike Bars but never really tweets what, exactly, it is that he's done to get them that he's so ashamed about ....
Added for 19 July 2009 (as well as 12 July 2009, when I was off the grid) #samesexsunday recommendations:
@HeddaLettuceNYC -- I knew her back in the 1990s, even before she became famous (yes, we is old geezuhs!). But she's always had wit, charm, personality, and a ton of chutzpah! So follow this top drag queen, and check out her latest, epic video, Botox Face. Oh, she's a #mondaymensch, too!@GayTwogether -- If you want a peek into the life of a loving, caring, and committed couple, then check out this couple who, though legally married in the United States, cannot file a joint tax return as a married couple. Perhaps a #techtuesday follow as well....
@FruitSaladShow -- Fruit salad, you know, a little of this, a little of that. And fruit being kinda gay, well, they tweet a little gay of this, a little gay of that -- you get the idea, n'est-ce pas? #followfriday them for some fabulousness on Fridays!
@GayAtheist -- Because so many of us have given up on religion, and because they're the nemesis of the next #SSS recommendation,
@GayTheologian -- For those of you LGBTQ folk who have not yet given up on religion, follow this twerson.
@ThePowerGay -- he's out there looking for some gay power, so follow him and help him achieve this goal
@MyGayDVDreviews -- the Siskel & Eibert of gay movies on DVD, or something like that.
@AndrewSrivanlop -- a cute Gaysian who likes to tweet about his exploits in food. Reading his tweets gets me thinking of yummy Khai Phanaeng, Tom Kha Khai, Pad Thai Khai and other great dishes.
@RC_TruthAndLove -- a loving lesbian, what more do you need to know other than that? A #women2follow
@211GLBTresource -- another lesbian who's into psychology. Why are all the the LGBTQ therapists lesbians? Another #women2follow
@CreateEquality -- just what their name says. It's sad though that wee need to create equality, instead of equality just being, isn't it? So follow them this activist and help create what should just exist and be natural. Equality for all!
@AmyPaulin -- she's one of those rare breeds, a non-politician politician. And she totally supports equality, in every respect. A #mondaymensch, #followfriday, #straightally and #women2follow who deserves our total support.
@changedotorg -- This #mondaymensch is trying to effect change in a positive direction. Change will happen; the direction it takes is up to us. And they're helping to lead us in the right direction. So #followfriday them, too!
@GOProud -- because not all LGBTQ folk are Democrats. Some of them (myself included) belong to the GOP (although I contend that the GOP was co-opted by ultra-conservative, Bible-thumping Southern Democrats beginning the 1960s)
@LegalOut -- This #mondaymensch is providing a wonderful service to the LGBTQ community of lesser means who can't afford the tens of thousands of dollars it costs for an attorney to draw up contracts protecting partners in a relationship, this #mondaymensch helps those of us obtain a minimum of legal protection by providing legal documents that couples can fill out.
@Queer -- for anything and everything queer, your source is here. (OK, that rhyme really sucked, didn't it?)
@WorldToKnow -- providing the coming out stories of LGBTQ folk, so the world will know what some of us go through. #followfriday them, too!
@LGBT_Friends -- helping LGBTQ folks connect with each other via tweets. What a #mondaymensch they are!
@RightsOdyssey -- Dubbed "2010: A Rights Odyssey" this #mondaymensch is redefining a civil rights movement for the 21st century. #followfriday them as well!
@TristanRose -- there's nothing typical about this #women2follow. She's a nurse who raps, and describes herself as a "walking contradiction." Totally check out this #followfriday gal!
@SissyHickey -- she, along with her cast of misfits in this groundbreaking television programme, Sordid Lives--the series, comprised of @Sissy Hickey, @The Brother Boy, @Next Door Noleta, @Peggy Ingram, @Juanita Bartlett, @Ty Williamson WH, @Latrelle Williamson, @Lavonda Dupree, @Bitsy Mae, @Dr. Eve Bollinger, and @Wardell Owens, is just about the funniest thing out of American television to come along since The Golden Girls, with the wit, intelligence, and drama right up there, too. It's just a terrible sham that their creator couldn't find funding to continue the series after the eight short episodes that aired on @logochannel. So check out the rest of this comic troupe.
@PostGay -- when you're over the phase in your life where you're putting your gayness out in front of everyone's face, this is what you become, or aspire to become.
@AngryFaggot -- he may not be angry all of the time but when he is, he definitely has good reason to be.
@GLADlaw -- another non-profit organizing using the law to fight for equality and equal treatment of LGBTQ folk.
@JerryCornelius -- this bloke is inspiring, especially when he's not inspired himself. ;-)
Added for 26 July 2009 #samesexsunday recommendations:
@MarquitaThomas -- maybe it's the militant lesbian in her but this #followfriday #women2follow WeHo Diva's tweets will get you organized, and let you know about many of the goings-on in WeHo that the gender it's not famous for would be interested in.@DiversityLoans -- if you're looking for financial information, financial analysis, or need help getting a loan for your LGBTQ project, this is the twerson to turn to.
@GoldenGirlsFans -- these #followfriday #women2follow are on my #samesexsunday list because, well, The Golden Girls is just such a terrifically fabulous show, what gay man doesn't watch it?
@AngryDyke -- this is @AngryFaggot's biological-sexed counterpart. I'm still waiting for someone to create an @AngryTranny account ....
@WorkingClassFag -- from the perspective of a gay man who considers himself part of the working class -- you know, like a Dan Conner type of gay and not a Fifth Avenue Fag (the kind who prefers beer over chardonnay), you should check out the tweets from this straight-shooter. Oops, did I just say straight on #samesexsunday? ;)
@JasonDottley -- this hottie is the star of that hit series, Sordid Lives: the series, that lasted all of about eight episodes on the LOGO Channel before, according to Jason, LOGO & the American production company screwed up something and now the series that could have rivalled The Golden Girls is to be no more. :(
@EqualRights -- providing tweets from mates down under (that's Australia for those who don't know the lingo), they strive to achieve equal treatment under the law for everyone! Perhaps they'll beceom part of @rightsodyssey?
@GayRitesNet -- note that this is "rites" as in "wedding rites and vows". Thus, as their name implies, this great Twitterer provides great advice and tips on planning those gay weddings, as well as staying together once you're all shackled up to the old ball & chain -- erm, I meant, spouse...
@GayNewsOnline -- who can't use another source of news all about the LGBTQ? At least most of the news items this twitterer posts are interesting on some sort of intellectual level and it's not just the pop-culture/gay culture-encrusted refried beans served up on a $250 Rosenthal serving plate ....
@JasonHellinger -- he's just effin hot, so follow the hell out of him. Actually, I think he looks a lot like that hottie, Jeffrey Donovan, who's the star of the hit new cable show, Burn Notice. He's a bit green, and it's nice seeing life through the eyes of one so young. (Waiiiiiiiit a minnnnnnit--when the hell did I get so old that I consider a 20-something to be "so young"? =b )
@1txsage1957 -- another disabled LGBTQer, this #women2follow #mondaymensch #followfriday gal is friend to the world, mother earth, mother nature, and all that is just and right in the world. She's also from Texas, which -- well, we all know what that means .... (I'll just leave it at that!)
@She2Online -- She Squared (get it?) is a nifty little online outlet for all of the wondrous things that any lesbian out there may or may not need. Honestly, I didn't really check it out b/c, well, I'm just like SO into the vagina and all, y'know? But they're good #women2follow and #mondaymensches, so follow them already!
@FreedomtoMarry -- a talented vocalist who really just wants the freedom -- or as the United States Supreme Court put it in Loving v. Virginia, 388 U.S. 1 (1967), "'basic civil rights of man,' fundamental to our very existence and survival" -- to marry the man he loves.
@LGBTlife -- Some of their tweets pull in a more world-wide focus on LGBTQ issues.
@EqualityAmerica -- this #mondaymensch #followfriday lunatic is attempting the insane task of trying to coordinate all of the various LGBTQ events, demonstrations, etc. that are going around in the world and tweet about them. I wish them all the luck in the world -- they're going to need it (as well as a cloning machine so they can clone themselves and be in multiple locations at once!)
Added for 23 August 2009 #samesexsunday recommendations:
@NathanOUTloud -- he shares the coming out stories of LGBTQ folk who have come out of the closet and found freedom in doing so. He also produces (and stars in) his own podcast about other LGBTQ issues. If you want a tweeter who's all gay, all of the time, this one's for you.@2ndclssctzns -- This LGBTQer refuses to be treated like a second class citizen, and serves up his tweets with a bit of dish, quips, quotes, and witticisms, as well as promoting equality for all.
@sexydeadstar -- Andrew likes to talk about himself in the third person. Andrew bakes really good cookies. Andrew has a different point of view of the world and likes to share it. Andrew is a total arachnophobe. Andrew is someone you should be following....
@CommonComrades --weaving the common threads that binds those of us in the LGBTQ community in 140 characters or less
@crewislife -- Even though he hates me because I'm a "Repiglican" (as he calls my political party, which--by the way--was kidnapped by ultra-conservative Southern Democrats and I'm fighting to wrest control of my party back into the hands of the moderates who carried us forward and moved the nation's social mores forward for over a century), this ex-patriot is fascinated by all things political in the good ol' USA.
@jddalton -- a self-professed "small town gay guy" who's trying to figure out where he belongs in the world, he shares this journey in search of a place to call his own as he carves out his own niche in the world.
@FaithfulChosen -- This #techtuesday role-playing Wiccan non-conformist lesbian doesn't do "gay pride" and, as such, has been targetted by the likes of @vonirrwegen to be kidnapped during next year's gay pride event in Amsterdam and floated down (or up) the river (canal?) on a boat for all to see. Oh, and today is her anniversary of entrance into this world instant, so give her a shout-out, a follow, and some good old-fashioned rainbow lovin!
@MoonWillow516 -- formerly a Twoobie (that's a Twitter Noobie), #MondayMensch of a Twaddict provides a safe house for victims of domestic violence. But don't expect her tweets to be about that, although she does tweet about, and advocate on behalf of, victims of domestic violence. So welcome this Twoobie into the world of Twaddiction and perhaps you'll find a fun-loving friend for life.
@Zefrog -- this frog (that's "Frenchman" in Brit-speak) likes to get me into trouble with his tweets. He wants me to be sooooo specific when I'm anything but. A self-professed literary book-lover who is obsessed with politics (hey what's up with us LGBTQ folk being so obsessed with politics anyway?), perhaps an ex-patriot living in the United Kingdom, he writes and edits, and tries to do that for a living. His real talent, however, is in the visual arts, which can be seen through his photo stream on Flickr (which also includes some photos of pencil sketches that are, quite simply, amazing, as are his photographs).
@rowenaaine -- This self-professed straight ally of the LGBTQ community is so much of an ally and knows so much about our community and culture that I really question whether they are truly "straight" ... In fact, I think their tweets are gayer than some of the gays on here.
@blacgurlzink -- This #techtuesday lesbian owns a greeting-card startup business. So if @sayitwithecards (creator of Judaic e-greetings) isn't your schtick, check out some of the wares that this gal is totin'.
@ChrisGeidner -- This legal eagle is fascinating (to me, at least). He tweets about LGBTQ issues from a legal perspective, and even writes for a legal blog on LGBTQ and non-LGBTQ issues. Definitely someone to follow if you want to learn about the law and how it operates.
Added for 5 September 2009 #samesexsunday recommendations:
@GayFriendly -- for all that you need to know about gay & lesbian life in the UK, this is your source.@BwaySpeaksOUT -- Broadway activism on behalf of the LGBTQ community, from the perspective of two decidedly gay Broadway legends in the making
@RobLives4Love -- OMG what can I say about this papi chulo other than he has an enormous heart, a capacity for loving, is quite the authority on Michael Jackson, and is all the while a hottie and sexy studmuffin. Did I miss anything? If so, please do tell... and follow this megahottie already!
@BroadwayImpact -- a coalition of Broadway folk from New York City working for and promoting marriage equality.
@NtlEqMarch -- Marching on the capitol of the United States of America, demonstrating and demanding full marriage equality under the laws of this land
@aliving -- retweets some pretty awesome quotes & other tidbits
@HomoPop -- tweets about entertainment and pop culture, with a decidedly gay twist.
@HegedusEricC -- tweets from a view of the world through the eyes of a gay journalist and New Yorker (what could be more fab or newsworthy--although not all of his tweets are *NEWS*worthy...)
@DutchDivaOnline -- while this tweeter doesn't really provide a lot of original content, one can be entertained for hours at a time (as I have been) just reading his interactions with others throughout the twitterverse.
@xydexx -- this is my Unca Uni, the person responsible for getting me to realize (and accept) who I am, and that there are gay folk in the world and, well, it's ok (and can be lots of fun) to be gay. Oh, and he likes to squeak, especially if you tug higs ponytail.... ;) I wouldn't be here without him, although if you follow him, expect a load of whacky, insane, unordinary (or extraordinary?), out-of-this-world fun and insanity. :)
@RandomButGay -- just what the name says. Do you really need further explanation?
Added for 20 September 2009 #samesexsunday recommendations:
@SLCollindridge -- What can I say about this bloke who lives in the self-proclaimed "Gayest terrace in the World"? He gives great Twitter, so of course you should be following him!@thelinster -- We all know about http://www.afterellen.com/ right? Well, this twitterer works for them, so they're good tweeple to follow!
@eddieizzard -- This bloke is a "professional transvestite." If you don't know what that means, then you should follow this comedic genius!
@afterellen -- The official Twitter account for http://www.afterellen.com/
@pianogeek -- a truly wonderful soul and spirit who moves through the world of music with the grace of Vladimir Horowitz (who knows, he could be the next Vladimir Horowitz), he sometimes finds the isolation and loneliness of being a single gay guy to be a bit overwhelming. So follow him and send him lots of love, hugs, and pugs (did I just say that?).
Added for 27 September 2009 #samesexsunday recommendations:
@NYerNina -- thought not an LGBTQ person, all LGBTQ tweeple should follow her because she is New York Fabulous! Not to mention, she's a true Tweepal who introduced me to the lovely portmanteau of "Tweepal." We need to bring her home to New York, so follow and tweet her to get her back home!Added for 11 October 2009 #samesexsunday recommendations:
Today, 11 October 2009, is National Coming Out Day. How did you come out to people today?I love this couple who were showing their sign (literally) of support at the National Equality March in Washington, D.C. today (if you can't tell from the photograph, they're an interracial couple holding a sign that reads, "Our marriage was once illegal, too!"--how fab are they & if they're reading this or someone who knows them reads this, thank you so much for your support and understanding of what's at stake!):

@rodmccullom -- he's one of those pop culture divas, gym buffs, and LGBTQ activist. Look to him for the latest on pop culture news, serious news, and LGBTQ news. Maybe just news?
@dagolion -- follow the trials and tribulations of a hard-working lesbian who's trying to save the world. (What's better is that she's just like me -- can't save herself but trying to save the world/others!)
@rainbowznstarz -- her tweets are filled with passion about life, love, community, and family. What more could you ask out of a twerson?
Added for 7 February 2010 #samesexsunday recommendations:
@Way2Blue4You -- he has a heart filled with platinum and diamonds, and has become one of my best TweePALs in the Twitterverse, as well as in the world-at-large, too (IRL, that is). He's totally worthy of all the love in the world, universe, and underverse. I can't say enough good about Chase--he's been there for me in ways that others haven't and he accepts me for who I am, faults & all. He's one of those rare gems, even rarer than a diamond in the rough. I'd probably say he is as rare as Astatine. He's very special to me, and as such he should be special to you, too!@Teeco71 -- he's a great guy, genuine, real, and a true New Yorker. He'll tell it like it is and don't piss him off or you'll be in for it. Also, he has a good sense for sniffing out fakes, liars, phonies, and frauds.
@BruceWagner -- a great tech guy who's using Free, Open-Source Software to revolutionize the way we gays use technology.
@JeffRago -- Smart, Smarmy, Sexy ... what more could one want from an out hollywood hunkalicious?
@NYerNina -- this amazing gal may not be a LGBTQ person but she is SO supportive of us that she deserves mention & follow her. Her politics are conservative but her passion and compassion are anything but and she'll stand up for the rights of us LGBTQ folk, no matter what.
@MomsOfAmerica -- another great gal who isn't an LGBTQer but who is very supportive of our rights. And she's just downright a fun person to follow, not to mention a great conversationalist!
@ChasingTao -- this bloke takes some wonderful photographs and is just a sweetheart. He's caring & compassionate, and passionate about life & people!
Added for 7 March 2010 #samesexsunday recommendations:
@RyeJar -- this absolutely gorgeous hunk of a man is such a sexy sweetie, not to mention that you'll be sticky & sweaty with his naughty euphemistic tweets!@BengeeB -- a kid with a heart of gold who's trying to find his way in this wacky, insane world. Be warned, though, he really does enjoy sticking out his tongue ....
@SoulKirk -- here's yet another inspiring artist with a heart of gold. He doesn't limit himself to just one medium in his artistry; rather, he tries them all out!
@Open_Ministry -- for those of you who are hell-bent on being religious, this tweeter is one of the more supportive of those religious types, even allowing you to become ordained as a minister in their ministry!
@Tsela -- a wonderful international beep who enjoys tweeting about linguistics, science, software, games, art, films, books, politics, and just about everything and anything -- and he can definitely hold his own during a twittersation.
@JoshMPlant -- even though he is scared to set foot outside of New York City's limits, he's quite a funny bloke, so if you need some laughter & love in your life, give this fellow a follow!
@bniemic -- Bob is another one of those gay-agenda-pushing queers (but in a very polite fashion, mind you), so if you like your daily dose of gay news in 140 characters or less, follow him!
@jimmyerickson -- one of those suit&tie gay biz types who enjoys political discourse, volunteerism, and inspirational love.
@LipstickLesNYC -- she just may very well be the lesbian version of "Sex & the City" -- what a great, wonderful New Yorker who tweets about the trials & tribulations of living a single gal's life in the Big Apple.
@BronxBeBe -- a fiesty divalicious dyke who's fighting her way through disability, discrimination, and dishin out a daily dose of loving & activism. Do NOT mess with this mamita or she WILL bite your head off (all out of love, of course!).
@isardasorensen -- Inga is another wonderful New Yorker who's married to her lovely wife. She loves tweeting breathtaking photos of wonderful sites from New York City, especially of Central Park, over which she & her blushing bride live. But more than that, Inga is doing the down & out dirty work of advocating for our rights as LGBTQ folk to be treated the same as everyone else. Definitely worth a follow!
And because no #samesexsunday list would be complete without a self-serving plug,
@NiteStar -- well, what sort of list would this be if I didn't give a plug for myself? ;-D
So who do you recommend I follow on Twitter.com? Send me a tweep @NiteStar or leave a comment here to this post!
If you're not sure just what Twitter is, then
be sure to check out this post on Gather.com.
be sure to check out this post on Gather.com.
Please note: any comments I have deleted were SPAM, mostly for porn sites.
LOL @ slezzy. LOL
ReplyDeleteThx Pete.
"if they're reading this ..."
ReplyDeleteWhy, hello! That's me and my wife.